Water Village Band 1866 - 2024
Water Village Band has an archive of photographs from its more than 150 years and we aim to publish many of them on this website. We'd also love to see any photos which you may have in your family albums. Please get in touch if you have photographs which we can copy and use.
Many of our photos don't have dates or names of the people shown. If you can help fill the gaps, please get in touch. See the contact page for details of how to get in touch. Or call into the bandroom during one of our practice sessions; we'd love to see you.
To get a better view of the photos on this page, hover your computer mouse over the picture to see a description of the photo, then click on the image to see a full-size photo. We hope you enjoy them.
Water Village Band has an archive of photographs from its more than 150 years and we aim to publish many of them on this website. We'd also love to see any photos which you may have in your family albums. Please get in touch if you have photographs which we can copy and use.
Many of our photos don't have dates or names of the people shown. If you can help fill the gaps, please get in touch. See the contact page for details of how to get in touch. Or call into the bandroom during one of our practice sessions; we'd love to see you.
To get a better view of the photos on this page, hover your computer mouse over the picture to see a description of the photo, then click on the image to see a full-size photo. We hope you enjoy them.